Acupressure Shodh Prashikshan Evam Upchar Sansthan
Acupressure Research, Training and Treatment Sansthan was founded at Allahabad, India on 26 Mar 1995 as an organization of selfless volunteers with the main objective of serving humanity through free acupressure treatment to the sick and the ailing.
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About the creator
Professor J P Agarwal stands as a luminary in the realm of alternative medicine, making significant contributions to the fields of acupressure and Ayurveda. His illustrious career has earned him the distinguished title of the "Father of Ayurvedic Acupressure," and he currently holds the esteemed position of President of Acupressure.
Courses & packages
Acupressre Compact Online Course Sem-5 (Jan-June 2024)
6 modules
English & Hindi
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